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Condé Nast

Currently I am part of the digital design team at Condé Nast, an international  magazine editorial of fashion, design and trends. I mainly work with GQ, Glamour, Vogue and Wired. ​


I especially design content for social media, stories and publications; such as infographics, phrases, illustrations, collages and covers.

Cover CondeNast KarlaCruz


For Vogue I design the digital covers for a selection of Annie Lord's articles in Lifestyle. They are inspired by representative phrases from the original text of the article. The aim is to represent on the cover what is the text about, using the collage style, black and white with an accent of color. ​


Some of the challenges are that the style has been changing throughout the deliveries, making them more minimalist. On the other hand, representing the themes of the articles in different ways without falling into repetition of images

is a weekly challenge.

Twenties Vogue Karla Cruz
cover vogue Karla Marai Cruz
Conde Nast Karla Marai Cruz
cover vogue Karla Marai Cruz


On this title I create Instagram content, from daily stories to infographics for the feed. Some times, also I make collages or illustration following the brand graphic style.

Here is some of my work at Glamour; phrases for the WOTY (Women of the Year) event, infographic and illustration about which kind of "pan de muerto" you are and motivational phrases.

StorieBarbara Karla Cruz.png
Portadas GQ Karla Marai Cruz


For GQ, I make daily Instagram stories. Also the content of "Movies of the week", which come out on saturdays and sometimes the "Best dressed of the week", which is a ranking with images of celebrities outfits.


On the other hand, I design covers for some of the articles and infographics.

Portada GQ Karla Marai Cruz
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